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The Committees
small SEA

Teachers In Charge:
Mr Haidad Ali

Mr Ghazali

PreU 1.1

Vice President:
Dian Syakira
PreU 1.1

Aisyah Suria
Sec 3

Creative Designers:
Syaima Qonita
Sec 3

Sec 3

Nur Hidayah Mustapha
Pre U 1.1

Shurhana Audra Baiyinah
Sec 3

Logistic Managers
Khairul Anwar
Pre U 1

Sec 3

Ridzwan Rashid
Sec 3

# # #

Speak Out

Sunday, July 11, 2010

To s.e.a 2009/2010
from now, ex VP
I'm thankful for you guys.
Whats a VP without her team, right?
YOU guys and girls made everything real and great for the team.
You people are the ones who create magic, I'm only the person holding the wand
Seri, for all those times she caringly take care of S.E.A's treasure and was wise about our spending.
Najihah for being so willing to help even though its out of her comfort zone.
Sakinah and Kaltsum for coming out with creative and fun designs that never failed to awe us.
Azhar and Baha for adding so much laughter in to the club.
Syafiq for willing to try even though he has doubts about it.
Murtadha and Hassan for being absolutely reliable even though things are done at the last minute.
Samirah for all her sacrifices to the club.
Hayati for always being on the go and never fail to push the club.
Nadiah for all her prayers..
Hidir for being the president of the year. LOL

To the new EXCOs I wish you all the best with the club.
Do take care of it.
I'm sure, in your hands, S.E.A will be better than ever!
If in need, you can always count on us. InsyaAllah, we will be able to help. :)
Remember, we're not just a team, we're family.


Monday, July 5, 2010


Alhamdullilah, S.E.A is still standing strong, even though the blog is hardly updated.
Thank you to those who made it possible.
Our most recent activity was the annual language race.
We were blessed with such a beautiful day..
Participants fought the heat and all sorts of activities to make it to the finish line.
It started of on a lovely morning of 21st June 2010, at City Hall Mrt, where participants gathered up in their team's colour and the rest wore any colour available that day except for well, Mr. President.


The briefing and all sorts of admin stuff started at Esplanade. Mr President start the day out with a cheer competition to wake everyone's spirits up.

Waka eh eh!

Who's fierce!

all sorts of other cheers were created.

We earned ourselves a to-go pack which consist of drinks and tidbits to chew along the way.. The contestants had eggs to take care of. The organisers gave them cards to track down their points and clues of course!

3, 2, 1!

The race begins!

After enduring the 3 stations at Singapore River area, the contestants had to go to Fort Canning Park.

3/4 stations later, they earned themselves a break.

Some contestants reached earlier than target so they had a really long break.

This is also where most of us had our lunches and do our prayers.

After break, a station later, they reached Marina Barrage where they had to endure 2 more stations. 1 of which, tested their skills on their knowledge of Singapore and the other, station was "governed" by Mateen a.k.a our Apek for the day.

Finally at about 5:10pm, when the last team checked in, the organisers rushed to calculate the points and crown the winners!!

1st Prize went to the Yellow team which consisted of Huzaifah, Mundzir, Al, Haziq and Taufiq from Pre U.

2nd Prize went to the Pink team which consisted of Ain, Hidayah, Azlina, Hidia, Nabilah and Iffah from Pre U 2.

3rd Prize went to the white team which consisted of Iqbal, Aidil, Khairul Zaman, Khalil and Noor Muhd from Sec 4.

Marha Marha to all of them!!

To all participants, S.E.A would like to thanks ALL of you for participating and congratulate all of you for making it to the finish line!

To the organisers and those who made it possible, the team would also like to thank everyone of you.

We're not just a team,

We are family..

With love,

Enjoy the pics.. :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I will be posting some of the best works done during language week 2009. These students have won 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for the poetry competition..

"A learner in every step"
This piece was written by Nur Syafiqah Basiran of Pre University 2 '2009
She won 1st place

A caliph I am born to be, an oath I did take
because I live in this world a moment too short
I am a learner, in every step i take..

I have learned that everyday is a new day
and with it comes new challenges and experiences
therefore I am a learner, in every step i take..

I have learned that every little faults are worth making
as much as every mistakes are worth correcting
therefore I am a learner, in every step I take..

I have learned that tears are mostly a sign of hurt
but not all smiles are a sign of happiness
therefore I am a learner, in every step i take..

I have learned that smiling is inexpensive yet is priceless
for with it, the warmth of love and happiness is spread
therefore I am a learner, in every step i take..

I have learned that choosing how i feel is beyond me
but i can choose what i do about it, nevertheless
therefore I am a learner, in every step i take..

I have learned that every beginning has an ending
and the ending of the dark night is the light of breaking dawn
therefore I am a learner, in every step i take..

And a caliph I am born to be, responsible for all my act
an oath to serve my supreme God, Allah, I did take..
Till I breathe my last, I am a learner, in every step I take..

"My private gateway"
This piece was written by Muhammad Abdul Mateen from Secondary 3.2 '2009
He won 2nd place

A private stretch of golden sand,
bordered by palm trees, tall where stand.

A continuos barrage of dark blue waves,
alongside dark and mysterious, pitch-black caves.

A cluster of pure white clouds, floating in the sky,
out of hands' reach, at an altitude so high.

A timeless place where you can mend,
a timeless place where worries end

This last piece, was written by Abdul Muiz.
He won 3rd place

Living in a home very stylish,
sharing it with a tenant,
speaking using good English,
that's very important.

Buying a new bulb,
with the shape of a fish,
S.E.A is a club,
promoting good English

Buying wholemeal bread,
its good to eat,
Don't be afraid,
English, just speak it.


Saturday, November 21, 2009


Hello there...

To participants and members alike,

Please note that the Language Race will be held on Wednesday, 25th November 2009..

please, report to school by 7:15 am sharp.
Marks will be deducted if you break the rules..

please report to school by 7:am sharp...

those who are late...
jeng jeng jeng.. LOL

My beloved team,
we can do this.. together... InsyaAllah
I have faith in you guys and I have faith in us..

With love,
nurulfarhana :)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

SalamuAllah alaik,

heloo everyone,
its been quite a while since S.E.A updated its blog,
let me do the honour then :)

im happy that the transfer of positions went well the other day,
im happy too because the ones taking over,
have our trust embedded in them and also they have shown their commitment towards
enhancing our club,from all aspect.

i have full confidence in you guys
i have faith that the club is now in good hands,
and that very hand will lead it to the top,
fulfilling the vision and the mission,
that one day when people talk about school,
they would remember S.E.A

i hope that you all put your best in all,
and also continue to keep in touch with all members,
anytime and anywhere,

and we're sorry if all this while we didnt manage to show
the best for all of you,
we hope that you will use this as a stepping stone,
so that the new path you will pave will be a better one in future,
please take S.E.A towards greater heights..InsyAllah.

and most importantly,we'll always be there should you need any help.
dont fret guys,
we Believe we have made the right choice.
Insyallah one day we will all come together and reminiscent the good days
we had in the club and the things we learn as a whole group,

to Members of the club,i hope you will continue to support YOUR club,
and also make the best out of it.insyAllah.

To my team of members,im sorry if i havent been able to perform
up to your expectation,i hope u do forgive me:)
Thank You all for being there,
without you,Whats S.E.A? :)

Greatest thanks to you all!

Mr haidad too,not to forget.

MR GHAZALI.(the backbone of the club,You're the best guide one could have in SEA)

lastly,All the best to the New leaders and team.
MAy Allah guide us All.amiin yaa rabb.

love you All:)


Sunday, April 19, 2009

English Week 2009 

Hey there guys and girls !
It's been awhile since the club intro post and I bet that you are all questioning and eagerly waiting for the next activity.
Guess what? English Week is just next week!!
We promise you a great english week coming ahead ^^,)
So do participate in our new and fun competitions , ok?

Our theme : English , just speak it!

& here's Frizz Quiz too . XD

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hi peeps!
Sorry for the long wait. I know this post might be a bit late.
So here's the amazing video & the introduction slide that got the most ovation. =]

Click on the widget to download our video and slide presentation ! .
Enjoy the video and the slide!

Do support us.